What to Avoid When Selecting Borehole Locations

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Laura's Landscaping Advice

Your surroundings can have a big impact on how you feel. For many years, I didn't realise how unhappy the landscaping around my home was making me. It had been a lovely space when we bought the house but over the years, my husband and I had let the trees, shrubs and lawn fall into ruin. One day, I realised that I had to do something about the situation so I called in a team of professional landscaping contractors. They helped me to plan and carry out work on my property. I am so happy with the results that I decided to start a blog.


What to Avoid When Selecting Borehole Locations

6 December 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Are you wondering whether your property has an ideal location for a borehole to be drilled? Below are some precautions that you should take when selecting an ideal location for borehole drilling.

Septic Tanks and Sewers

Make sure that the borehole drilling location is far from the septic tank or sewer system of your home. For example, the location should not be within the drain-field of the sewage system. This is because the groundwater under such a location stands a high chance of being contaminated by the wastewater released into the soil at that point. Contact the water authorities in your area so that you can know the exact clearance that should exist between your borehole and the septic tank or sewer.

High Water Table Zones

You should also refrain from drilling your borehole on a section of your property where the groundwater is near the surface of the soil. For example, places with groundwater that is approximately 10-feet from the surface should be avoided because such water may be contaminated by substances that exist on the surface of the soil. For example, water runoff from a nearby farm may contaminate the groundwater with animal droppings if the water table is high. Such contaminants can be avoided if the drill site is located where the water table is low because the layers of soil above the aquifer can filter out the majority of such contaminants. Select a location that doesn't have a high water table so that you avoid such contamination.


It is also advisable to avoid drilling your borehole close to a barnyard in case you or someone near you keeps animals. This precaution is necessary because barnyards can be a source of many substances that can compromise the quality of your well water. For example, the animal urine may contain antibiotics and growth hormones that can affect the health of your family members if they use water or eat food that is laced with traces of those substances.

Several technical considerations, such as conducting hydrological surveys to identify fractured rocks deep in the ground, also need to be thought about when selecting the best drill site. It is therefore advisable for you to enlist the help of drilling experts so that the best location can be found for your borehole. Only then will you be sure that you will have a reliable supply of safe water for your domestic and agricultural use.