What Type Of Mulch Should You Apply On Your Yard?

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Laura's Landscaping Advice

Your surroundings can have a big impact on how you feel. For many years, I didn't realise how unhappy the landscaping around my home was making me. It had been a lovely space when we bought the house but over the years, my husband and I had let the trees, shrubs and lawn fall into ruin. One day, I realised that I had to do something about the situation so I called in a team of professional landscaping contractors. They helped me to plan and carry out work on my property. I am so happy with the results that I decided to start a blog.


What Type Of Mulch Should You Apply On Your Yard?

5 December 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you want to start growing plants in your yard, whether in the form of a vegetable garden or would like some blooms to inject colour to your landscape, you should consider the application of mulch first. Mulch is organic matter that functions to increase these nutrients in the soil while enhancing the structure of the soil too. Mulch would also provide a favourable environment for plant growth be maintaining optimum temperature levels and reducing the rate of soil erosion. Nevertheless, there is an assortment of types that you could choose from, and this can be confusing to people that do not have a green thumb. Below are some of the options available to you that could help in deciding what type of mulch you should apply on your yard.

Timber products

Timber products that are utilised for mulching purposes come in three main forms; ground wood, chipped wood and shredded wood. The ground wood is made of fine timber particles that have a powdery appearance. Chipped wood has a much more coarse texture, is one of the more common types, and is known for allowing increased moisture absorption in the soil. Shredded wood is made from strips of tree bark and is ideal if you are looking to minimise water evaporation from the soil.

When considering timber products for your mulch, you also have to bear in mind the type of tree that is used. For instance, hardwood is inherently alkaline and would be a good option for plant that requires minimal acidity in the soil. Softwoods, on the other hand, are highly acidic and would be great for plants such as azaleas that require a high degree of acidity in the soil.

Grass clippings

If you mow your lawn frequently, you could use the grass clippings as a convenient form of mulch. However, some homeowners may be unaware of how best to apply these clippings and end up doing more harm than good to their soil. Grass clippings are a good option for mulching as they decompose quite fast. But there is a method to the madness when applying them on your yard.

If the grass clippings are fresh, ensure that they are loosely spread over the ground. Compacting the grass clippings would end up causing a crust on your yard when they do start to dry, which would not only cause your soil to be overheated but you stand the risk of foul rotting odours permeating your yard. Secondly, always apply the grass clippings in thin layers and in intervals of about a week to allow fresh nutrition for your soil.