The Rubble Drain: It's Anything But Rubbish! Here's Why You Need One For Your Property

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Laura's Landscaping Advice

Your surroundings can have a big impact on how you feel. For many years, I didn't realise how unhappy the landscaping around my home was making me. It had been a lovely space when we bought the house but over the years, my husband and I had let the trees, shrubs and lawn fall into ruin. One day, I realised that I had to do something about the situation so I called in a team of professional landscaping contractors. They helped me to plan and carry out work on my property. I am so happy with the results that I decided to start a blog.


The Rubble Drain: It's Anything But Rubbish! Here's Why You Need One For Your Property

5 December 2017
 Categories: , Blog

The rubble drain is one of the most common drainage systems used today. Whilst its name might not be terribly impressive, you might just be surprised at how attractive and useful rubble drains can really be. Here are the most fascinating facts about rubble drains -- and how they can help you with a stubborn drainage problem. 

Rubble Drains and Rainfall = The Perfect Combination

Rubble drains are are one of the most effective ways to route water away from your home. Whilst we are quite fortunate to have a primarily dry climate in most parts of Australia, that does mean that homes aren't always prepared to deal with rainfall when it does occur.

Many Australian homes have only minimal waterproofing because there's little rain, so the rain must be removed promptly upon falling to avoid foundation damage. A rubble drain is able to constantly divert fresh rainfall as it occur, forcing it to steadily move downhill and away from your home. Rubble drains can also be used in combination with a buried pipes for disposal of effluent from the septic tank. 

The Construction of a Rubble Drain: Simpler Than You Might Think

Rubble drains employ simple physics to keep water away from your home. Because water gravitates downhill (at least with the help of the rubble drain,) the goal of the drain is to keep it moving in a controlled and smooth fashion. 

Rubble drains are generally 5-7 cm deep, depending upon the area and your needs. The rubble drain, as its name implies, is packed with rubble that's pressed tightly into the ground below. Whilst nearly any rubble can work for this type of drain, it's usually best to use small to medium sized rubble from a landscape supplies store. It can be either smooth or rough rubble, as long as it's not so large or rough as to prevent water flow. 

The rubble drain typically runs the length of the property, going downhill or in a sloping fashion until it ends at the street. If you have a well on your property, the rubble drain might even be designed to route the rainwater to the well. Whilst you can build a rubble drain yourself, it does take some physical effort (digging the trench) and some supplies (the rubble from the landscape supplies store.) 

Many people find that rubble drains are both effective and attractive: they create a natural looking way to dispose of the water whilst keeping your home safe and dry! Contact your local landscape supplies provider to learn more about creating a rubble drain on your property.